Tiffany Saffle is an artist located in Richmond, Virginia. She is still new to the art world, but working towards being more comfortable within this world of endless possibilities. She recently had her first experience as a vendor at a local Comic Convention, but has already signed up for many more.
Tiffany currently works as a legal assistant, but dreams of devoting all of her time to being an artist.
Along with drawing and painting, she is developing her vision with the digital aspect of art. She has also experimented with painting models and miniatures. Her artwork tends to lean towards the fantasy world, and it is not uncommon for her to add long pointed ears or a pair of horns to a figure.
While her artwork is heavily guided through her emotions, Tiffany is always looking for new inspiration. Among those inspirations are fellow artists Chet Zar, Peter Goode, Donnie Green, and Lana Gentry.
Her goal is to one day be able to immerse herself fully in the work and expanding her horizons for finding her inspirations. Whether that means doing art full time, or vending shows, or just traveling the world, she's ready.